How to Crop a Screenshot on Mac: Exploring Built-in Methods and External Apps

The Mac operating system, known for its user-friendliness and intuitive design, has always provided its users with simple tools for various tasks, one of which is taking and editing screenshots. This article describes how to crop a screenshot on Mac using both built-in and external tools.

Built-in Methods

1. Screenshot Utility (macOS Mojave and Later)

Starting with macOS Mojave, Apple introduced a built-in screenshot utility that combines the previous screenshot shortcuts into one unified interface. To access it:

  1. Press Shift + Command + 5.
  2. This brings up a toolbar at the bottom of the screen, where you can choose the type of screenshot you want (full screen, window, or a portion of the screen).
  3. After capturing the screenshot, a thumbnail will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen. Clicking on this thumbnail will open the screenshot in a preview mode.
  4. Here, you can click and drag the edges or corners of the screenshot to crop it as desired. Once satisfied, simply save the file.


  • Toolbar Options: Apart from the choice of screenshot type, the toolbar offers options to save your screenshot to a specified location, set a timer, and show/hide the mouse cursor.
  • Annotation: After opening the thumbnail preview, you can use the markup tools to annotate the screenshot. This includes drawing shapes, adding text, and using a magnifier.

2. Preview App

The Preview app, which comes pre-installed on all Macs, is a versatile tool for viewing and editing various file types, including images. Here’s how you can crop screenshots using Preview:

  1. Open the screenshot in the Preview app.
  2. Click and drag to select the portion of the image you want to keep.
  3. From the menu bar, select Tools > Crop (or simply press Command + K).
  4. Save the edited screenshot using File > Save.


  • File Types: Preview supports a variety of file formats including JPEG, PNG, PDF, and TIFF.
  • Editing Tools: Beyond cropping, Preview offers tools for annotation, color adjustment, resizing, and even converting file types.
  • Selection Tools: Preview provides both rectangular and free-form selection tools, giving you flexibility in defining your cropping area.

External Apps for Cropping Screenshots

For those looking for additional features or a different workflow, various external apps can serve the purpose. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

1. Skitch

Skitch, developed by Evernote, is a screenshot editing and annotation tool. Not only can you capture your screen, but the app also offers a straightforward way to crop and annotate screenshots.


  1. After capturing or importing a screenshot into Skitch, look for the crop icon (it looks like two overlapping right angles).
  2. Drag the handles to select the area you want to keep and click on the crop icon to apply the changes.
  3. Save or export the cropped image.


  • Annotation: Skitch is renowned for its wide range of annotation tools. You can add arrows, text, shapes, and even pixelate sensitive information.
  • Drag and Drop: You can drag your screenshots directly to other apps or web platforms, making sharing easier.
  • Evernote Integration: As Skitch is developed by Evernote, it offers seamless integration, allowing you to save your screenshots directly to your Evernote notebooks.

2. LightShot

LightShot is a lightweight and user-friendly screenshot tool that allows users to take a screenshot and then immediately edit it without the need to open another app.


  1. Press the LightShot icon or use the designated keyboard shortcut to capture a portion of the screen.
  2. In the editing interface, drag the handles to crop your screenshot.
  3. Save or share the edited image directly from LightShot.


  • Easy Sharing: With LightShot, you can quickly upload your screenshot to the cloud and receive a shareable link.
  • Search: A unique feature is the ability to search for similar images online directly from the app.
  • Customizable Shortcuts: LightShot allows you to customize keyboard shortcuts for various actions, streamlining the screenshot process.

3. Monosnap

Monosnap is a comprehensive screen capturing tool that comes with built-in editing features. With Monosnap, users can crop, annotate, and even record short video clips.


  1. Initiate a screen capture using Monosnap.
  2. The captured screenshot will open in Monosnap’s editor.
  3. Use the cropping tool to select the desired portion of the image.
  4. Once satisfied, save or share the edited screenshot.


  • Cloud Storage Integration: Monosnap can integrate with cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Yandex.Disk.
  • Video Recording: Apart from screenshots, Monosnap lets you record short video clips, with the ability to highlight mouse clicks or focus on a specific area of the screen.
  • Webcam Integration: You can attach a picture from your webcam to your main screenshot, ideal for creating more personalized instructions or guides.

4. CleanShot X

CleanShot X is another popular external app among Mac users. It offers a clutter-free experience when capturing and editing screenshots, making it perfect for those who prefer a minimalist approach.


  1. Use CleanShot X to capture your screen.
  2. Open the image in the app’s editor.
  3. Utilize the cropping tool to refine the screenshot.
  4. Save, upload, or share your edited screenshot directly from the app.


  • Scrolling Capture: CleanShot X offers the ability to capture long, scrolling content, especially useful for web pages.
  • Hide Desktop Icons: With a single click, you can hide all desktop icons before capturing, ensuring a clutter-free screenshot.
  • Built-in Cloud: CleanShot Cloud is a feature that lets users instantly save screenshots to the cloud and get a shareable link.
  • Quick Access Overlay: Instead of remembering shortcuts, CleanShot X provides an overlay where you can quickly access all its features.


While macOS offers effective built-in tools for cropping screenshots, there’s a whole world of external apps that offer additional features and different workflows for users with varying needs. Whether you’re someone who occasionally needs to crop a screenshot or a professional who demands a suite of tools, there’s an option on the Mac platform tailored for you. Remember, it’s all about finding what fits best with your personal or professional workflow.

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